Hello from a beautiful sunny Reidsville NC! We hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday off and relaxing and spending time with family.
We have some great things coming up at CrossFit Lucky City.
Our next "Bring a Friend" day is Aug 17th, 9am. Please come and support your gym. If each one of you would bring one friend, we can pack the gym! This workout is free to our guest to come and see how great our community is. **Cash incentive to our members if your friend sign up**
Our very first in house competition is coming up in September. Be on the lookout for details.
Steven Walker's GoFundMe link is posted in the gym. If you feel so inclined to donate to help him get to the games, he would appreciate it.
Now, what you have all been waiting for...
Monday- Back Rack Lunges
Tuesday- Shoulder Press
Wednesday- Deadlift
Thursday- Body Building
Friday- Clean and Jerk
Let's start the week off right! Today we have 5 rounds on a 2:00 clock. Each round you will "buy-in" with 1 round of DT and then max bike cals in remaining time with rest after each round. Stay easy on DT and push on the bike. DT should be a weight that you can go unbroken each round to give yourself plenty of time on the bike.
Tuesday we have a 15 min AMRAP of DB lunges, wallballs, and calories on the rower. Start with a solid pace and push through until the 10 min mark and then go harder and harder until the beep!
Humpday is here and we have a really fun workout that will increase barbell complexity the further into the workout that you go. Start with overhead squats, then to power snatches, then to squat snatches. Each AMRAP and barbell movement will be coupled with some gymnastic work.
Our favorite long workout day is here! Today is broken up into three parts, Part one is 4 rounds of DB work, part two is 3 rounds of DB and core, last part is 2 rounds of gymnastic skills. The workout is for time. As usual on Thursday, use this as an active recovery day or push hard and see what you are capable of in 26 mins!
Friday! The work week is over! Today is descending reps of DB bench, squat cleans and rope climbs. Don't fatigue out early so that the small rep rounds you can go unbroken at a quick pace with little rest in between movements.
As usual, Saturday is going to be a partner workout where you can split reps anyway you wish. Light weigh movements with one barbell plate coupled with bodyweight movements. Saturdays are my favorite. It's a lot of fun to come into the gym and workout with everyone from all class times.
If you are interested in joining us,
CLICK HERE for more information.
Its going to be a great week at CrossFit Lucky City! We can's wait to see everyone in the gym this week!