Finally, We are seeing some warmer weather! We hope every had a good week and stayed nice and warm. This week looks a lot better! Warm and sunny afternoons. No better way to spend a good afternoon than getting in a quick workout with us!
This week we would like to welcome back Coach Noah. He will begin coaching afternoon classes. Lets give him a big welcome back!!
Erin, Jonathan , and the baby girl are doing great. Resting at home and getting used to their new life. You will be seeing them in the gym this week.
HUGE thank you to Coach Tyler as he was able to pick up some classes this week while Erin and Jonathan were out. We cannot thank him enough!!
CrossFit Open is right around the corner. We don's necessarily care if you sign up for the open but we will have a sign up sheet in the gym for anyone that wants to do the open workouts in house as a precursor to our in house competition in April. Workouts will be held Saturday mornings 7am and 9am for those three weeks. Please show up and help judge and cheer on your community.
Let's get right to the week ahead!
Monday- Deadlifts
Tuesday- Shoulder to Overhead
Wednesday- Back Squats
Friday- Handstand Hold
Never miss a Monday! It is a great way to start the week. Today we will tackle 5 sets of calories on a machine, overhead squats, and bar muscle ups. There is a 1-1 rest between each set. The shoulders are going to be tired on this one. Relax on the rower and use the legs and try to keep the heart rate down. Unbroken on the overhead squats and into muscle ups. Advanced athletes can try to go unbroken on muscle ups but its ok to break them up. Remember all of our scaling options for muscle ups. Don't shy away from the workout!
Tuesday is a hard cardio day! 3 min down to 1 min each of calories on bike, shuttle run, and rower. There is lots of built in rest so go hard on the machines. Not much strategy today other than work! record the total number of calories for the score.
Hump day is here and this one will work on our barbell cycling. 8 min AMRAP of 5 clean and jerks. Pick a weight you can go unbroken only resting after you have completed 5 reps. Rest 2 mins and them 8 min AMRAP of box jump overs. Again only resting after you have completed the entire number of reps.
Thursday is more cardio but I today we are looking for lower heart rate. Zone 2 work. You should be able to talk a little during this work. simple workout completing a larger number of calories on the rower but every 2 mins, do 10 push ups. No hidden sneaky part. This is made to work on long session and capacity.
Friday we have a little 2 part gymnastic and metcon together. 3 min max time accumulating max time handstand hold or holding on the wall. At the 3 min mark, complete calories on the bike, handstand pushups, TTB, back to the handstand pushups, then walking lunges. Fatigue is going to be real. Pace and break up smart to keep moving. There is no built in rest so be smart.
Saturday is a fun partner workout. 3 rounds completed as a waterfall style. Partner 1 does 500m row then goes to 40 wallballs. Partner 2 will start their row when partner 1 is on the wallballs. Partner 1 goes back to row and partner 2 goes the their wallballs. Etc. Ask the coach if you have any questions.
It's going to be a great week at Lucky City Wellness. We cant wait to see everyone in the gym!