It is a beautiful Sunday here is Reidsville NC and we are starting off another great week of workouts.
We want to first say Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers in the gym! You are amazing for balancing a family, a career, and taking time for yourself in the gym. We want to extend our thanks and offer all mothers a small token of our gratitude and give each of you a free recovery drink after the workout of your choice. (o2, FitAid).
Murph is coming up on May27th, Sign-up for your heat is to the left of the TV. We have a great patriotic shirt for sale as well. If you want a shirt, give your money to a coach. We must have shirt money and order done by Friday, May 17th to ensure they arrive by Monday the 27th. Invite your freinds to do Murph with us and anyone inside or outside the gym may order a shirt.
We have a lot of great things in the works including a charity event and possibly and in-house competition!!
Lets get to it...
**This Week’s Workouts:**
Yes, we are still doing Murph prep, but this week, we are taking a different approach and starting off with one of the forgotten Girl workouts, “Barbara.” Very similar but it will add in some core work to the prep.
On Tuesday, we dive into the pain cave and attack an ascending cardio kicker. We will tackle a descending reps of bike and burpees. Before the workout we will have an EMOM of skill work. We can work on handstand holds on the wall or begin the progression for handstand walks. Don't neglect the skill work with your coaches!
Our strength this week is snuck inside a workout, where the focus is seeing how well we can lift while under fatigue. This one is going to be fun! We will have a buy-in of meters on the rower and then in the remaining time build to a heavy Clean and Jerk. Let's see some heavy lifts!
The Functional Pump for the week is on Thursday, and we are giving it a little sprinkle of cardio with the upper body pump. Everyone like s a good pump!
We are taking the same approach as Wednesday, with the strength implemented into the workout for Friday. Buy in consisting of a run and then finding a heavy double snatch then cashing out with another run.
Then, we arrive on Saturday, and it’s a repeat partner workout that will test everything! It's split up into teams of 2 but you can partition the reps any way you would like. Be strategic and go with big sets to save on transition time but don't go out to hot and not be able to stay consistent.
Its going to be a great week! See you in the gym!
#herewego #Reidsville #NC