Hello from sunny and cool Reidsville NC! It has been a great change in the weather recently and we hope you have all taken advantage of it.
Week one of the in-house competition has been completed! Great job to all of our athletes who have finished the first of three great workouts! Everyone has done an amazing job and we cant wait to see the results! Next workout will be announced soon so be on the lookout!
Saturday, Sept 21st the final workout will be held at 5pm at the gym. Even if you are not participating, come and cheer everyone on! There will still be 9am class that morning.
As everyone has been hearing, we are in the process of securing new location for the gym with a nice solid floor! We met with a building owner yesterday. More information to come. When the time to moves gets closer, we will let everyone know of date. We also hope everyone can help and we can make the move in 1 day to assure no disruption to classes. The gym will provide breakfast and lunch.
Lets get right to the week ahead...
Monday- Back Squat
Tuesday- DB Bench Press
Wednesday- Deadlifts
Friday- Snatch
Here we go! Day one of the week, we have a little pyramid couplet of running and another movement. Pace the run and catch your breath so that when you come in for the next movement, you can push and jump right into it and go for big sets! Arms are going to get fatigued on the movements, so shake them out in the run.
Tuesday we have 5 rounds of :90 of work and :30 of rest. It again is going to be a pyramid style in regard to reps and movements. Very small reps, This is supposed to be sprint! Go all out each round and see if you can get faster!
It is hump day! This one looks complicated but it isn't. 15:00 AMRAP but we have buy-in of 2 individual sets of 2 rounds each them you combine everything at the end for the scored portion of the workout. Use the buy-in as a time to figure out a good pace but dont waste time in the beginning, and then go hard at the end to completes as many rounds as possible.
Thursday is here and we all know that means we have a long workout ahead of us. As usual, we can use today and a day to push ourselves and see if we can hold on to our endurance for a long time or use today as active recovery. 4 rounds, each one getting longer in duration and in reps. Pace each round as if it was the long one, and have enough energy at the end to stay consistent.
Finally Friday! We have a descending rep scheme of rowing and DB bench press. Each rounds has fewer reps so the further we get into the workout, the faster and more efficient we should be.
Saturday is here and we have great workout to do with a friend. That's right... PARTNER DAY! Each team will have to complete 15 rounds total of a run (together) and each person must compete 2 C&J and TTB. Its fast and fun as you get that little rest in there to keep you fresh and motivated!
Its going to be a great week at CrossFit Lucky City we are very thankful for you, our members for your trust and support!
We cant wait to see everyone in the gym this week!