Good morning from chilly Reidsville NC! It's the week of Christmas. Let me start off by saying that we hope each and everyone of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays!
We will have NO classes on December 24th, 25th, and 26th. Gym will be open for open gym only those days. Workouts will be posted in Wodify daily for you if you wish to come in and hit a workout.
** A few housekeeping things to cover. If you come into open gym please place everything back to where it came from. Help us keep things neat and organized. No children allowed on any equipment or on the gym floor at anytime. This is a safety issue.
On December 24th at 7am there is an organized Christmas Eve workout. Wear a Christmas shirt, Christmas PJ's, or something festive! Remember to sign into open gym.
December challenge is well underway. This is the last week to get in the lifts. We still encourage participation in classes along with lifting. Don't negelt your endurance and cardio.
CrossFit Lucky City members brought in 14 toys and $25 for Toys for Tots. Thank you to everyone who for helping make someones Christmas a little better!
Let's get right to it!
Monday- Back Squat
Tuesday- Bench Press
Wednesday- Hamstring work
Thursday- Core and Shoulders
Friday- Clean and Jerk
Its Monday and we say, "Never miss a Monday!" Today we have 2 rounds of Cal row, snatch, air squat, cal row, pull ups, and pushups. This one should be done quickly and each movement unbroken. It has a long time cap and it wont take any of you that long. Get a good workout in before we enjoy loys of good food and sweet treats.
Tuesday it is a 12 min AMRAP of deadlifts, burpees, calories on an erg machine, and jump rope. Pay attention to proper form on the deadlifts. Rest in between movements to keep the same intensity throughout the entire 12 mins. Note** if you decide to use the bike erg, the calories must be done standing.
Wednesday is Christmas day! We suggest enjoying the day at home with family and friends. If you decide to workout today it will be 10 rounds of 1 min of work and :30 rest. Each round is an AMRAP starting with wallballs and box jump overs then TTB in remaining time. Don't hit to many TTB in the first round. Save some for the later rounds.
Thursday is 10 down to 1 of pull-ups, double DB push press, and box jumps. You will do 10 of each then 9 of each and so on...Go faster as each the reps get less and less.
Friday we have classes again and we hope to fill the room up! Only 2 movements today! All we have to do is bike 100/80 calories, but the catch is every 2 mins stop and perform 5 hang squat cleans.
Saturday is the day we should all be in the gym with each other from other classes throughout the week. It will be a 30:00 AMRAP with 4 mins of work and 5th min a rest. 4th min is an AMRAP. Focus on that movement each round.
Its going to be another great week at CrossFit Lucky City!