It's a cold rainy Sunday in Reidsville NC. Bundle up under a warm blanket and read all about the week ahead at CrossFit Lucky City.
Upcoming events and schedule changes
Saturday Dec 21st is our famous workout "12 days of Christmas" It is challenging and a lot of fun!
No classes December 24th, 25th, and 26th. Open gym all day
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We had a great time at Top Golf last night at our annual CFLC Christmas party. Thank you to everyone who came out! We missed everyone who couldn't make it!
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Coach Justice is coming back on Thursday, Dec 19th. He was activated by the Air National Guard to serve those in the western part of NC. We want to thank him for his service to our state and our country!
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Let's get into the week ahead
Monday- Back Squats
Tuesday- Split Jerk
Wednesday- Body Building
Thursday- None
Friday- Squat Clean
Let's get this week started by tackling 3 rounds of descending reps of DB snatches, meters on the rower, and rope climbs. It is going to get the legs going. DB snatches in two sets of less. The distance on the rower will be what takes most of your time. You're going to have to keep that rower moving to make the time. 1,000m should take you around 4:30min for example. We haven't done rope climbs in some time. Talk with coach to refresh on the technique and to get scaling options.
Tuesday we have 10 rounds of 4 movements and very short reps. Power clean, TTB, Wallballs, and double unders. Each round should be unbroken movements, even if the transition takes a sec to catch your breath. These are true test of short term endurance. Let's see what you got!
Its hump day and we have a great one today. For time, 3 rounds of a pyramid style metcon with bike cals and box jump variation, and lunges. Don't go out too hot on the bike. We all know that thing can crush our heart rate and lunges. Save some of that for the entire workout.
Its our favorite day in the week, Thursday! It's our long workout day. As always, remember we can tackle this head on or pace it out and just move today. It includes meters on the rower, cals on the bike and bodyweight movements.
Friday is here and the work week is over! End the week by coming in and going for max calories on the rower. But before you get to find that number, you have deadlifts, pushups and air squats. There is built in rest (everyones favorite movement!!)
Saturday is my favorite workout of the entire year! "12 days of Christmas". Just like the song goes, "On the first day of Christmas..." It is going to be a tough workout but it is so much fun coming in with all our your gym friends and completing this together!
We will see you all in the gym this week!