We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We hope you had lots of good times with family and friends. I'm sure we all ate a lot of good food and now its time to get into the gym and work it off! We have some announcements to get things started.
Open gym rules: Pleas refer to your waiver for open gym for all of the rules. If you come to open gym anytime during the day, please sign into the open gym class so we can keep track of attendance so we know that the investment is worth it.
December challenge is underway! Each team has the week to get max lifts and then complete the bodyweight movement. There will be a spreadsheet to write down your numbers each week. Keep it updated. If you forget to write it down, it didn't happen. Each weeks lifts are listed in case you forget.
Christmas shirt order is open.
Order Here Picture of the shirts and QR code to order is in the gym
Payment isn't required until shirts come in. They will be the same shirts as our black shirts, Murph, and Open.
Christmas party has been reserved for Top Golf, December 14th 4pm-6:30pm. All those that RSVP will have spot to play golf and dinner and desert provided. It's going to be a lot of fun!
Let's get right to the week ahead!
Monday- Squats
Tuesday- Push Jerk
Wednesday- Body Building
Thursday- Gymnastic Skill
Friday- Squat Cleans
We get the week started off with a sneaky 2 piece workout. We begin with wall balls and power snatch. Go unbroken on the wallballs and quick singles on the power snatch. rest 1 min, then go to jump rope and OVH squats. Be smart on the jump rope but must go unbroken on the OVH squats to same time with having to snatch barbell up if you drop it.
Tuesday, we have a 12:00 AMRAP of bike cals, back squats and burpees. Bike calories need to be a quick pace each time. The back squats are taken from the ground. Pick a weight we can clean or snatch the weight and then place onto our back.
Middle of the week and no better time to stay consistent in the gym than by tackling a little ladder. Start with deadlifts then to pullups, box jumps, and calories on the rower. After the rower you will go back down the ladder. Legs are going to be tired after the row but continue at the same pace that you had in the beginning. Plenty of time today so push and see what your capable of.
Thursday is here and it is everyones favorite day of long endurance workouts. We are going to begin the day with 15 mins to work on any gymnastics you want. The coach will be there to help you. After that, we are going to work through 4 rounds of descending reps of running, walking lunges and burpees. Each round the reps get less and less. Go easy on the first round and be able to go unbroken the whole time.
Its finally Friday! We have 4 rounds of 3:30 of work and 1:00 rest. Each set you will go through calories on the bike, KB swings and TTB. After that you will go through max thrusters in the remaining time. Play to your strengths and sprint through 1st part to give your self plenty of time to hit the thrusters.
Saturday is my favorite day where we get to workout with people we don't get to see a lot during the week. This one will have a lot of movements! You will begin with 4 rounds of 2 movements, then 3 rounds of 2 different movements, then 2 rounds of 2 more movements, then a final round of only 1 movement.
Its going to be a fun week in the gym! Thank you all for being a part of our community! We will see you in the gym!