Good morning! We hope everyone enjoyed the snowing weekend we have had! It was beautiful to sit at home and enjoy the peacefulness until it was time to get outside and play and work. The weather looks good for the coming week so we don't expect any changes to our schedule.
For all those going to open gym, please only run the heater for 10 min MAX. Turn heater on then fan. When turning off, please turn fan off first then heater. It may puff smoke and we don't want that pushed throughout the gym.
As most of you have seen, we have changed the name to Lucky City Wellness. Nothing will change in the gym. We are still going to have our structured classes, Fit 40 for ladies, Erica's massage therapy, and open gym. CrossFit cost us alot of money just to use the name, and we want to be able to spend that money on renovations and equipment for you. If anyone has any questions, talk to Erin or Jonathan.
Let's get right to it!
Monday- Back Squat
Tuesday- Snatch
Wednesday- Clean and Jerk
Thursday- Squats/ Snatch
Friday- Wall Walk Skills
Saturday- Push Press
Workouts- Let me preface our brief this morning by saying we have went to another programming at the request of the members and the staff. This is going to look more complicated and difficult but it is not! Each day has the scaling options to keep you working hard! Do not let a high skill movement keep you from coming into the gym. Our coaches are here for you!
Never miss a Monday! It has been a while since we have done sandbag work and today we break that streak! 4 sets resting 2 mins between each set. Each set will have meters on the rower, sandbag cleans, then burpee box get-overs. Pace the row about 60% effort, go right to the sandbags and do not stop moving on the burpees.
Tuesday we have some DB work. 3 sets 2 rounds each of DB walking lunges and DB bench press. Sets 1 and 3 are longer and set 2 is shorter. There is a built in rest so be sure to shake out your arms as much as possible.
HUMP DAY! It is halfway through the work week! Keep the momentum going! Here is another movement we have not done in a while. GHD's!! Today is going to be 5 sets of GHD's and double unders. The shoulders are going to feel this one.
Thursday is here and we are on the downhill slide. Thursday's have been changed from a longer workout piece to time we work on skills for weightlifting and gymnastics. There may be weeks where we have a small metcon used for aerobic capacity. These workouts are designed to keep the heart rate in zone 2, no higher. Keep this in mind moving forward and planning your week. Thursday is def a day you don't want to miss!
This week we have our longer workout on Friday. 3 sets of bike cals, front squats, and muscle ups. Resting 3 mins between each set. After the workout, we are starting a gymnastic cycle working on Wall Walks. Today we have to find out where we are. you will have 3 mins to find the max number of wall walks you can complete. you will be working off this number throughout the rest of the cycle.
Saturday we are going back to partner workouts. This Saturday we have 25 min AMRAP of cals on the bike and cals on the rower. This is going to be longer but I want you to push today vs Thursday where we stay a little slower.
It is going to be a great week at Lucky City Wellness! We cannot wait to see everyone!