Good morning! It's that time again to sit down and read all about everything going on at CrossFit Lucky City this week.
The final results are in from the December challenge.
1st place- Erik and Morgan- 4,891 Lbs
2nd place- Michael and Val- 4,779 Lbs
3rd place- Tyler and Molly- 4,345 Lbs
Committed club is getting a change! For everyone that makes the committed club each month will go into a drawing for a gift card! Make sure you are doing everything you can to make it to the gym!
You have spoken and we listened! This week you will notice a change in the workouts. Be on the lookout for more variety and complexity. Don't be intimidated by complex movements. As you all know, we can scale and adapt to each and every movement and workout to fit your individual needs.
This change will also include more focused lifting and aerobic capacity days to increase our ability to maintain lower heart rate during workouts.
Saturday 7am class is here to stay! This past Saturday was a great success and we all will work with our schedules to ensure that the class is there for you all!
Monday- Hang Snatch
Tuesday- Hang Power Clean
Wednesday- Front Squats
Friday- Push Press
Workouts- Pay attention to the order of the workouts and strength for each day. Somedays we will be lifting after our metcons so we can get a feeling for lifting under fatigue.
It's the beginning of the week. Never miss a Monday! Today is a simple but challenging. 3 sets of double unders and push ups with a 2 min cap per set. Relax the shoulders and break up the push ups early so you have something left for the end.
Tuesday is a 27 min AMRAP of cardio!! Calories on the rower, calories on the bike and shuttle sprints. This workout is written to spike the heart rate and recover and do it all over again while maintaining pace across 27 mins of work.
Its humpday!! 3 rounds of calories on the rower, TTB and heavy front squats. Today is going to get the legs pumped up but don't forget how the core can get worked hard during each one of these movements. However, this does not mean to slack. This one is supposed to be painful!
Thursday is going to be our skill and aerobic capacity day. Today we have some rowing at 5/10 level but there is a little game involved!! It will be fun to see how consistent you can be. You will also perform some strict pull-up work to build capacity in that gymnastic movement. For those trying to get their first pull-up, this will be a huge help. For those that have pull-ups, this will build capacity and even build into C2B and Muscle ups.
Friday is here and it is he end of the week! today you have 5 sets consisting of deadlifts, burpees and calories on the bike/rower. Each round needs to be under 2:30. For most of us the bike is going to be the part that takes the longest. There is rest in between each set so stay moving and upright. Deadlifts should be unbroken, burpees done 1 at a time and done at a decent pace.
Saturday is a long workout brought to you by Steven Walker and Morgan. 40 reps of almost everything you will do in the gym. Barbell, gymnastics, and core work. After each movement, you will run/row/ski/bike for a little cardio. Set a good pace and treat this like Murph. We can partner the full thing or cut reps in half. Don't forget we can scale movements and weight to keep ourselves working.
It is going to be a great week and we cannot wait to see everyone in the gym!