We have made it another month and we hope everyone is having a great summer!
This week we kick off July and the greatest American holiday, Independence Day! "Merica!
Anyways... Lets get right to it.
We have some schedule changes this week we want everyone to know about.
Mon-Wed the afternoon classes will only be a 5pm.There will still be 5am and 9am. Most of our staff is out of town enjoying time with their families.
Thursday we will only have a 9am
Friday we have 9am, 4:30, and 5:30
Back to normal schedule after Friday
Lets get right to this weeks workouts
Monday- Hang Squat Cleans
Tuesday- Shoulder Press
Wednesday- Body Building sets
Thursday- Core Work
Friday- Front Squats
Let's start the week out by completing an 11 min AMRAP with deadlifts, TTB, and bike cals. After a little rest, you will complete 1 big set of the same movements for time. Work through AMRAP strategically and try to go big on the last part
Tuesday is going to be 3 sets of a ladder style workout. You will work through calories on the rower, burpees over the rower, thrusters, and back down. Go unbroken each set!
Wednesday we are going to work through descending rounds per set but increasing run distance and work with the dumbbells.
Thursday we have 28 mins of work broken up into 6 movements of :40 of work for max reps with a rest after each set.
Friday is 3 rounds of a run, shoulder to overhead, and burpee box jump overs. Each round unbroken and get faster as you go!
Sat is another ladder of calories on the rower, barbell work, DB work, and gymnastics. Rest strategically and move with a purpose.
Its going to be a great week at CrossFit Lucky City!
We cant wait to see everyone in the gym!