Its our first official week in the gym for summer! It's going to be hot so let's make sure we are drinking plenty of water. Not just during and after workouts, but in the days before. Lets get hydrated and stay hydrated!
This is also the first week of our new programming. We have moved away from Mayhem and to IBEX. This programming is written by Kristi O'Conner and her husband. (She was a Games athlete). It is still going to be challenging but simple for everyone. We have been testing these workout ahead of releasing them and we are sure you all are going to love them!
Let's get right to it!
Monday- DB bench press, Pull-up negatives, Hammer curls
Tuesday- Shoulder press
Wednesday- Front Squats
Thursday- Core work
Lets get to the workouts of the week!
On Monday we are going to get through 5 round of double unders, TTB, and front squats. Legs are going to get weak so pace the front squats and pick a weight you can go unbroken.
Tuesday is a "Death By" workout. Min 1 you will start with calories on the rower. Min 2 you will do burpees over the rower. Each min you will go up by one until you bust. Pace the first couple of rounds and save your elevated heart rate for the later rounds.
Wednesday is one of my favorites form the week. 10 rounds of 4 different movements with low reps. Each round should be the same speed or faster as we get to the end. Good transitions will make or break you today.
Thursday is 3 5:00 AMRAP's. Here again keeping a steady pace will pay off later as you will have the energy to push it at the end.
Friday is an 18 min AMRAP of running, KB swings, Pull-ups, and Wall ball shots. Today will work on cardio and how can operate under fatigue. Take the transitions to catch your breath and go unbroken on each movement!
Saturday is going to be a fun partner workout but both partners will be working at the same time on very different movements. P1 will be working through barbell movements and P2 will be doing TTB. You will switch after each of you is done. break up sets to stay consistent.
Its going to be a great week! Let Erin and Jonathan know what you think of the new programming at the end of the week.