New Murph shirts have been ordered and will be here soon. You may keep the old ones and do with them as you wish.
No 3:30 class starting June 3rd through the summer.
Friday June 7th there will be no afternoon classes. Erin, Jonathan, and Hunter will be in Wilmington NC getting our CrossFit L2 certification. We appreciate your understanding so that we can become better coaches for you!
June 15th will be our next BAFD. Please mark it on your calendar. Invite all of your friends and lets build our community and show everyone why we are the best gym in town.
Monday: Every 3:00 (5 sets) 10 Hang Power Cleans (Build up to 65% of 1RM Clean)
Wednesday: 3-2-1-1-1 Front Squat (Build to 85-90%)
Thursday: 3-2-1-1-1 Shoulder Press (Build to 85-90%)
On Monday, instead of focusing on body weight, we’ll be challenging athletes with a tough leg workout that includes an incentive to push for larger sets on the barbell. your going to want to hold on to the barbell for this one!
Tuesday’s challenge will be to maintain a consistent pace for 20 minutes. Little AMRAP of rowing, push-ups, and core work.
Wednesday’s workout involves a deadlift and shuttle run ladder, followed by a set of wall walks and finishing with another set of shuttle runs. be thinking about strategy and when to take smart, short breaks.
Thursday’s workout will test athletes’ endurance and control as they tackle a tough triplet. Wall balls and KB swings before we tackle some jump rope.
On Friday, we’ll be doing a modified version of the BCS qualifier workout, with a dumbbell bench replacing the bench press to allow for more space on the pull-up bars. Plenty of scaling for everyone.
Lastly, on Saturday, we’ll be trying a team of 3 workout, so grab some friends and get ready to push yourselves together. Saturdays are my favorite and we get to workout with people from different classes.
Its going to be a great week and we are excited to see each and everyone of you in the gym!
Join us in the gym today and discover how CrossFit Lucky City could change your life!
205 Southeast Market Street, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320, United States
Mon - Fri:
5 am - 6 am
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
7 am - 8 am