CrossFit Lucky City family and friends, It is a beautiful Sunday in Reidsville NC. We have a lot of announcements and great things coming up! Lets get right to it.
Starting tomorrow Oct 7th, our very own Val is becoming coach Val!! She is going to be coaching the morning Fit 40 class. This class is for women of all ages and abilities and focuses on strength training, mobility, and longevity. We are very excited to have Val as a part of our staff and to be able to offer this class to the community. If you are interested, reach out to us or visit our website for more information. Val is offering 1st class for free to anyone who is interested.
October 19th, at 9am we will be hosting a BABY WOD for Sydney. Gifts are not required but we know Sydney will appreciate it.
Friday October 25th, Scales St will be closed 4-6pm for the downtown trick or treat. Please plan on parking in the rear or side streets.
We will begin to move some items Friday after the streets reopen (small items).
Saturday morning we will be moving everything else. We will have box truck and we would love as much help as possible. We hope to have the move done in the weekend not have to cancel any classes. The gym will be buying breakfast and lunch for anyone that can help!
Let's get right to the workouts for the week ahead.
Monday- Back Squat
Tuesday- Skill Work/Pressing
Wednesday- Skill Work/Lunges
Thursday- Core Work
Friday- Power Snatch
Saturday= Skill Work/Arms
It's the beginning of the week and let's begin on a good note by showing up and getting started! Today we have 5 rounds of work with rounds of DT and bike cals in the remaining time. DT is a great barbell cycling piece but save some energy for the bike.
Tuesday is going to test the shoulders and core. 1k row into gymnastic work of rope climbs and handstand pushup and finishing with a 1k row. Shake out the shoulders between reps and continue to move. Remember, we can scale and adjust our movements to fit us.
It's hump day and we are halfway through the work week. We have CrossFit benchmark workout with a twist today. Annie is 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders and Sit-ups but today we will add 3 power snatches after each round. The core is going to be exhausted so pace the big rounds of 50 and 40 and have the energy to complete the end fast!
Thursday is our favorite day of endurance. Today we will have some built in rest but we must run a 200m and the some box step-ups. Scale the run the get an active recovery day or push yourself for 24 mins of work.
Its finally Friday!! Today is a 15 min EMOM of wall balls, Box jumps, deadlifts and then max pull-ups. Each min before the max pull-ups just move, dont rush those. Save the speed and energy for the pull-ups. That's where we score it.
Saturday is here and its always the best day as we get everyone together from all the classes during the week. 7 rounds of barbell work finishing with burpees. Its going to be good!
See you all in the gym this week! Take care of each other and lets continue to build a string and healthy community!!