Good morning CrossFit Lucky City members!!
We have finished our very first in-house competition! It has been a great time and we hope everyone had a lot of fun! Thank you to each and everyone one that competed. We are very proud of how well all of our members!
Update on the move: We have been in contact with building owner to finish cleaning up exterior and we will be getting a key this week to begin some improvements including a key pad for open gym access.
NEW CLASS ALERT!! Our very own Val has completed the Burgener Strength class and is now Coach Val. She will be coaching Fit 40. A class focused on strength, mobility, and core stabilization for women over 40. If any member is interested please reach out to Val, Jonathan, or Erin. We have flyers for the class available if anyone wants to take some to hand out.
Let's get right to the workouts!
Monday- Back Squat
Tuesday- Seated Barbell Strict Press
Wednesday- Deadlift
Thursday- Skill Work
Friday- Skill Work
It's the beginning of the week and let's get everything off to a great start by coming in and getting a good sweat. Today is a 14 min EMOM with cleans on the odd mins and wallballs on the even mins. Scale and make sure you don't burn out under the barbell and have plenty of rest after the wallballs.
Tuesday we have 3 rounds of bike cals, burpees, a run, and box jump overs. Each round has less reps than the one before. Your speed should increase each round as you get a little relief.
Wednesday is here and its the middle of the week. We are on a roll and let's keep it going! The workout is 2:30 for 5 rounds. Each round will have a buy-in with DB's and an AMRAP of DB walking lunge until the clock beeps. There is no rest today built in.
Thursday is our long day. I love these workout as they help me become better at longer workouts and increasing my endurance. Todays is going to be up and down the ladder. starting with air squats, cal row, box step ups, sit ups, and farmers carry. Then we go backwards. Remember that today can be used as an active recovery day as well.
The end of the week is here and you made it! Treat yourself to a great workout! 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 of Hang Power Cleans and Front Squats and jump rope after each round.
Saturday is here and it is my favorite day! A partner workout with our friends! Today is a CF Hero workout named Laura. You and a partner will completed 21 mins of as many rounds as possible of cal row, burpees over the rower and power cleans.
It's going to be another great week at CrossFit Lucky City.
We are thankful for each and everyone of you!